We are Ammson, We do Facility Management Services Company

Air Duct Cleaning

At Ammson FMS we work hard to ensure that our customers have clean, safe and hygienic places to live and work. Health and safety legislation mandates the maintenance of ductwork in ventilation, heating and other systems so compliance is not only advisable for economic reasons but a legal requirement. Removing the buildup of years of neglect can take some time but after that routine cleaning should be non-disruptive and swift.

Ammson FMS engineers will examine your system to provide a personalized cleaning plan. Out of sight and often out of mind, the extraction duct work in many buildings is often only inspected, cleaned or maintained when the systems they are part of fail or become ineffective. This is a grave mistake as ductwork can get clogged with dirt, dust and grease. Damaged or blocked ducts are inefficient and can increase running costs, put the building’s users at risk of illness or even become a fire hazard.

Fire Security and CCTV