Facility Management FAQs

Need some answers? See below!

Have a question? You can find the answers for the most common questions asked by Ammson FMS customers on facilities management services. Identify below for a list of our most frequently asked questions. Here, you can see further information about Ammson facilities management services.

It means an arrangement where business activities and services are looked after by a company for whom these activities are their business.

Look for a company that can bring expertise and cost value through sharing best practice and using buying power and scale. Look for one that can provide the right level of management control, report back clearly on performance and results, and make tactical advice.

You may include two or more of the services we offer.

A company that bundles two or more soft services together.

Look for a company that innovates, engages all the stakeholders, offers continuous improvement with a real understanding of what’s important to you and your business.

It depends on what services are included but generally there should be some savings on management costs.

Through establishing bespoke quality focused Key Performance Indicators which are monitored and checked to an agreed Service Level Agreement.

Ammson FMS have to take on the existing personnel all staff will be retrained and evaluated. We will then provide all the training and equipment necessary for your operatives to carry out the tasks for the performance of their duties.

If you don’t see the answer to your specific question or are looking for more information and want to chat about your service needs call Ammson Facilities Management Services on 9040404404 or just drop us an email.