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Carpet Cleaning

Ammson FMS offers custom carpet care maintenance programs designed to help manage your maintenance costs and keep your carpets looking great all year round. Ammson FMS carpet cleaning programs include interim cleaning as well deep cleaning using hot water extraction. Combining these cleaning methods will greatly increase the lifespan of the carpet. But, daily walking, sitting and rolling takes a toll on the strands of carpet. If you wish to have your priceless carpet looking new in a longer run, hire a company that specializes in Carpet Cleaning in Bangalore.

Ammson FMS Facilities Management carpet cleaning Bangalore offers services to clean the carpet by doing deep vacuum to remove dirt and grime. Also, we have particular formulated chemicals that will remove the stains from the carpet without destroying the texture of color.

Professional Carpet Cleaning Process by Ammson FMS Facilities Management Team:

  • The cleaning process starts with deep vacuuming the carpet. With vacuuming, the dust, grime, mites, and allergens get removed from the carpet.
  • After that, the carpet is brushed so that any hair gets withdrawn from the carpet.
  • Later it gets washed with special soap that removes stains and spots from the carpet. Also, the washing will clean the surface of the carpet from the bacteria.
  • One lathered it is thoroughly cleaned using specialized equipment’s so that the soap residue gets removed.
  • The carpet is then preserved using special blowers that enhance the appearance of the carpet especially on the areas where the texture is spoil.
Carpet Cleaning